Horse Riding Holidays

Romantic Date Ideas for Equestrians

Equestrians and horse lovers usually have a different idea of what might be considered fun for a date, but even if you don`t mind going to the stereotypical date and a movie, there are actually some wonderful ideas out there if you both are equestrians and want to build your love for horses into your dating life. Here`s a list of some great romantic horse date ideas for equestrians.

Go On A Long Trail Ride And A Picnic

What could be better than going out on a beautiful day with your horses and lunching in a beautiful area out in nature? This is a low-key and really great way to spend a day and a wonderful date idea for fellow horse lovers.

A romantic ride and picnic

Themed Movie Night

Dinner and a movie isn`t a revolutionary date idea, but if you both love horses why not do a themed movie night, with the theme of riding or horses. There`s a wide selection out there of fantastic horse-themed movies like National Velvet, Black Beauty, War Horse, Hidalgo, Secretariat, Seabiscuit and many more.

Plan An Equestrian Vacation

Rather than just go to dinner or go on a ride at home, why don`t you plan a vacation somewhere more exotic where you`ll ride and see new sites together? This is potentially a date idea for a couple who`s been together for a while, but it can be a great change-up and lots of fun.

Go somewhere like New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, anywhere with beautiful scenery and then rent horses during your days and see what Mother Nature has to offer around the world.

Beach Ride

If you live near the beach this could combine two very romantic ideas into one for an uber romantic date. There`s nothing like riding on the beach at sunset with your potential beau.

A romantic ride down the beach

Horse And Carriage Ride

This is maybe not for everyone, but maybe instead of going straight to your destination, hire a horse and carriage. You can still enjoy being around horses, but can focus more on each other rather than actually having to ride and care for your horse as well.

A romantic carriage ride in Paris

Go To An Equestrian Art Gallery

If you`re looking for something a little more sophisticated, but still horse-themed going to an equestrian art gallery could be the answer to your prayers. Not only are these fun, but they`re also cultural and educational. You can look them up online, you`d be surprised how many equestrian art galleries are out there.

Dating a fellow equestrian can be tons of fun and it`s awesome that you share something so near and dear to you both. Build that mutual love into a fun date night and be adventurous, try new things and be unique, it`s truly a great way to spend a date rather than the same old same old.

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Romantic Date Ideas for Equestrians

Posted by Stable Express

Romantic Date Ideas for Equestrians

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